• Studio Gillis Portrait of Alec Gillis By Cassie Fuertez


    After over three-decades of success as co-founder of the Oscar-winning Creature FX studio Amalgamated Dynamics Inc., Alec Gillis has created his solo effects studio, Studio Gillis. With the same insistence on quality and creativity, Gillis also brings his vast experience to the venerated art of Practical Effects, continuing his legacy as a pioneer of the modern era of creature characters. Please explore the work and see how Studio Gillis' creativity, ingenuity and technology meld into the most iconic characters in film.

  • Introducing Studio Gillis

    The work tables might be the same, the crew is still top-notch and the love of Practical FX continues to drive us, so you might be asking, "Alec, what's fresh about Studio Gillis?" Well, since you asked, it gets down to our mission statement. We're here to help filmmakers tell stories through the use of Practical FX techniques. Movies require the willing suspension of disbelief and that means it's got to be real. What's more real than a physical animatronic, or an actor in an amazing makeup, or a tactile prop weapon, or a Specialty Costume suit? We're here to help filmmakers achieve effects that have a lasting realism and give the audience an experience they'll carry with them their entire lives. In addition, we will bring joy to the actual movie-making process. If there's fun behind the camera, the audience will feel it in the cinema.

  • PREY (2022)

    Design and creation of the Feral Predator suit, animatronics, weapons, human gore, dead animals.

  • I'm A Virgo (2023)

    Double and half-scale Human Replica puppets for Boots Riley's ground-breaking Amazon series.


    Practical Alien corpse and reference models.

  • ALIEN : ROMULUS (2024)

    Chestburster, Egg and birth scene effects.

With decades of experience, Studio Gillis is here to guide your project from concept to Reality.


We would love to work with you. Please Fill out the form below.




Art, design and creature collectibles coming soon.